Del 2 i seminarrekken som ligger i skjæringspunktet mellom ledelse/endringsledelse og digital transformasjon i prosjekter og av prosjektgjennomføring. Denne gang med Sut I Wong, professor og leder av senter for digital transformasjon på BI. Webinaret holdes på engelsk.
Sut i Wong is Professor of Communication and Leadership at BI Norwegian Business School, adjunct faculty at University of Ljubljana and Research Scientist at SINTEF Digital. She is also a co-director of the Nordic Centre for Internet and Society at BI.
Beside academic work, Sut I is highly involved in the industry and she currently is an advisory board member of two tech start-ups. Sut I’s research interests center on leadership, employee proactivity, new ways of working, digital teams, team innovation and coordination, focusing on the role of leadership on employee engagement in digital transformation.
Beside invited talks and seminars by the industry, her work is published in esteemed scientific journals such as The Leadership Quarterly, Journal of Management, Human Relations, Human Resource Management, Human Resource Management Journal, California Management Review, etc.