NTNU og Prosjekt Norge har et samarbeid med Stanford – CIFE og vil informere om at man nå kan delta gratis på  2020 CIFE Summer Program. Det vil være flere norske presentasjoner ved Gunnar Skeie (Kruse Smith/Veni), Torbjørn Tveiten (Vianova), Tore Hansen (Hæhre), Øyvind Børstad (HENT) og  Krzysztof Wojslaw (Sweco)


Registration link


Join us for the 2020 CIFE Summer Program – September 15-16 where we will explore

How should owners, designers, and builders behave when projects are delivered collaboratively and digitally?

We are holding two days of virtual meetings where we will discuss matters such as:

    • Lessons learned by project teams that have successfully created high-performance built structures digitally and collaboratively
    • Initiatives and approaches by companies to share knowledge about Virtual Design and Construction (VDC) across the company
    • Role of top management in setting the strategy and providing the executive support for digitalization
    • See the program website for more information and registration.


CIFE, Center for Integrated Facility Engineering
Stanford University